Terms and Conditions

  • Each time slot is available for first 150 registrations. Candidate can appear only once for the open book test! In case of multiple registrations by the same individual, the last submitted registration form fields will be treated as final to appear for the open book test.
  • Candidate should have engineering degree in electronics, electronics and communication, electrical or computer science.
  •  Candidate should be Indian resident and should have valid ID proof as Aadhar , Pan or election card. Candidate should bring one of the ID
  • card and xerox to appear for test with the confirmation email sent by OneRupeeST.
  •  Candidate should have 60% or more than 60% marks during engineering. Final semester marksheet xerox or if appeared for the examination then the 7 semester
  • marksheet xerox should be submitted by the candidate.
  •  Candidate should pay all the travelling, lodging and boarding expenses.
  •  Candidate can bring any book, literature, mobile phones., internet dongles and can use as the reference to solve the objective questions.
  •  Candidate should not take photograph or xerox of test papers in any format
  •  Candidate should report to OneRupeeST office prior to 15 minutes of agreed and selected slot.
  •  Candidate should maintain the discipline and should follow office code of conduct during his/her presence in the office.
  •  Candidate should complete the open book objective test in 60 minutes as additional grace time period is not allowed.
  •  Candidate should return the test paper, rough sheets and answer sheets to the OneRupeeST authorities with reference to above points.
  •  Candidate should bring all the original document for the verification
  •  To carry out fair selection process the selection test marks will be shared with candidate on the same day so that candidate can select the interview slot.